Evolutionary Systems
Taking your company to the next level.
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About You
How can your company survive in the ever-changing and demanding global marketplace? Is it possible to reach target windows with the right products and services while meeting quality standards in a fluid and shifting environment? Can you truly embrace change without your enterprises devolving into chaos?
The answer to all these questions is a resounding yes but only if you can lead change rather than react to it after the need to change becomes painfully obvious.
It is no longer enough to merely survive. Great companies must constantly evolve in a collaborative environment in order to flourish and prosper. But how? The answers to the needs of your company are to be found within your organization, and the task at hand is tapping into the talent and experience of your people while fostering the free flow of ideas.
Evolutionary Systems helps you to unleash, foster, and stimulate innovation using a model for collaboration developed by Pollyanna Pixton, the President of Evolutionary Systems. To lead collaboration, she defined a leadership model based on her thirty-five years of leading organizations that assist you in creating great collaborative leaders within your company.
About Us
Case Studies
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The Institute
Think Tank
Evolutionary Systems Works With:
- Companies Seeking to Increase Their Profitability
To find innovative solutions that decrease costs, improve products and services and expand markets.
- Leaders Looking to Take Their Company to the Next Level
To foster innovation, develop collaborative leadership, and growth strategies that match corporate goals.
- Business Entrepreneurs/Startup Teams
To help launch a business that is successful from the very beginning.
- Investors and Financial Institutions
To assess a company beyond the financials and the business plan to see if they have potential to meet their business goals successfully, or if there are areas of operation that need strengthening to improve their chance of success.
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Corporate Services
Evolutionary Systems provides comprehensive solutions for your business through analysis done from a systems point of view, collaborating with leadership to developing a strategy and plan for taking your company to the next level, pairing the right specialist with your company. We develop your leadership to create a collaborative environment, bring the people together from all areas of your enterprise, and let them decide where to take your company.
By collaborating with you to create a program of seminars, coaching, and think tank discussion sessions, customized to your organizational needs, Evolutionary Systems seeks to develop and support:
- Environments that foster innovation for products, services, and operations
- Effective collaborative leadership
- Enterprise participation for early results and success
- Global, community, and business value enterprises
- Collaborative community organizing across issues and sectors
- Vision to action for ideas and innovation concepts
- New thinking to push the edges and stimulate creative solutions
Read about how we partner with you to bring collaboration and collaborative leadership development to your company. Or contact us for more information. Evolutionary Systems, 801.582.1608, info@evolutionarysystems.net.
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