Evolutionary Systems
Taking your company to the next level.
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News and Events
Pollyanna teaches Collaborative Leadership and Project Management in Changing Environments at the University of Utah. Her schedule can be found at the Professional Education Department website.
June 9-12, 2008
Pixton to Present at Better Software Conference & EXPO
Pollyanna teaches three tutorials and gives a talk on "Building a Culture of Trust." Click here for details and to register.
May 5, 2008
Pollyanna Speaks at Agile Leadership Day in San Francisco
Pixton presents at the first Acceinnova and Trifork leadership summit addressing the concerns of senior leaders as they build and maintain agile enterprises and strive for business agility.
Click here for more details.
April 23, 2008
Pixton Speaks at USFR Fundraising Day, University of Utah
"Finding and Keeping Valuable Staff in a Tight Market" is the topic of Pollyanna's presentation. Click here for details and to register.
April 15, 2008
Pixton Teaches Non-profit Project Leadership Seminar
Learn the latest and proven methods to be organized and focused when working to complete important projects. Details and registration, click here.
February 21, 2008
APLN Dallas Leadership Summit Asks Pollyanna to Speak
Pollyanna speaks on innovation and collaboration.
Agile Project Leadership Network, Dallas, Texas
December 6-10, 2007
Pixton Gives Tutorial and Talk at Agile Best Practices Conference
Pollyanna covers collaborative leadership and project leadership in changing environments.
September 24-27, 2007
Pollyanna Pixton Speaks and Gives Tutorial at JAOO
Pollyanna presents at Executive Breifing and holds tutorial on Collaboration.
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August 15, 2007
Agile Development Conference Includes Pixton on Program
Pollyanna speaks on the tools for agile leaders with Todd Little and Niel Nickolaisen.
September 21, 2007
Bankdata Asks Pixton To Present to Leaders
Pollyanna holds workshop for Bandata Executives.
May 18, 2007
The NCNA Asks Pollyanna Pixton to Present
Pollyanna presents on Collaborative Leadership at National Council of Nonprofit Associations (NCNA) Annual Membership Meeting in Salt Lake City.
May 17, 2007
Pollyanna Pixton Holds Workshop for UNA
Pollyanna presents a half day workshop on Collaborative Leadership at the Utah Nonprofit Associations Bi-Annual Conference in Salt Lake City.
March 20, 2007
Women's Business Forum Has Pollyanna Pixton Speak
Pollyanna speaks on Collaborative Leadership at Women's Business Forum in Salt Lake City.
Febuary 17, 2007
QBP invites Pixton to Speak at Frostbike
Quality Bicycle Products asks Pollyanna to address collaboration and collaborative leadership at their Frostbike Retail Laboratory.
January 26, 2007
Pollyanna Presents Leadership Seminars at Winter Outdoor Retailer Trade Show
"Finding and Hiring the Right People," "Mentoring Collaboration," and "Finding the Right Job for You" are the subjects of her seminars at the Outdoor Retailer Winter Trade Show sponsored by the Outdoor Industries Women's Coalition.
January 25, 2007
Pixton To Speak at Launch of APLN Bay Area Chapter
"Collaboration and Collaborative Leadership: Innovation in the Agile Enterprise" is the topic of Pollyanna's talk in San Francisco, CA. More about APLN.
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December 14, 2006
Society of Information Management Asks Pixton To Speak
Pollyanna talks about "Leading Innovation – How Leaders Create and Sustain the Agile Enterprise" at the SIM Utah monthly luncheon meeting.
December 8, 2006
Pollyanna Pixton Keynotes at Workplace Fexibility Conference
Women's Business Center has Pixton speak at Creative Innovation in Work-Life Programs and Practices conference.
Novemeber 7, 2006
APLN holds Leadership Summit at ABC with Pixton as Chair
APLN will hold a Leadership Summit at the Agile Business Conference 2006.
November 7-9, 2006
Pollyanna Pixton Presents at Agile Business Conference
As presenter, Pollyanna's topic will be "Leading Change: Collaboration and Collaborative Leadership" and a workshop titled "Collaboration: Leading Agile Enterprises" with Diana Larsen at the Agile Business Conference, London, England
November 1, 2006
Jenni Dow Partners with Evolutionary Systems
Jenni Dow, President of Dow Marketing Communications, Inc., collaborates with other Evolutionary System Principles providing executive coaching to reach marketing goals.
October 12, 2006
PMI Conference includes Pollyanna Pixton
Pollyanna speaks on "Managing Nonprofit Projects" at the Project Management Solutions 2006 Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah
October 10-11, 2006
PNWSQC Invites Pollyanna Pixton to Speak at Annual Conference
As an Invited Speaker, Pollyanna's topic will be "Leading Change: Collaboration and Collaborative Leadership" at the Pacific NW Software Quality Conference on Quality — A Competitive Advantage, Portland, OR
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